

Woo-jin Jung


AUG 16, 2010

by CuteNews


1940 – 2010


| Grandmaster Chung E. Kim passed away quietly on March 15, 2010, at 7:37 p.m. A martial arts pioneer, he had a wonderful and good life. This is commemorating this esteemed man and his wonderful spirit with a Tae Kwon Do Funeral. People were wearing full dobok to honor him, a wonderful and honorable way to honor martial artists all over the world at their funerals. The Funeral was at The Runge Mortuary on Saturday, March 20, at 10 a.m. Funeral arrangements were made by the Chung  Kim Black  Belt Academy and Tae Kwon Do Times Magazine. 200 to 300 people showed up, they lined the streets and bowed a 90° bow to show their respect and love from GM Kim, on this their final farewell. A group of Masters took hold of the coffin and respectfully took him to his resting place. Please look to the July issue of TaeKwonDo Times to learn more about Grandmaster Kim. Martial Arts people all over the world should think about having a Martial Arts Funeral.

멎진 이민 개척자 김정은 동지!!!

1973—2010 까지 37년간 이민동지, 태권도개척자 Tkd Times 동업자.친구.형제…태권도, 장 어로 떠나보내고

나니 몸과 마음이 너무아프고 ..후유증도 크구나…..


| Articles on Grand Master Woojin Jung have been published in over 350 major publications around the world. He has appeared in television interviews internationally for his efforts in Taekwondo and the Unification of North and South Korea.