

Woo-jin Jung


MAY 26, 2011

by Master Erica Linthorst


| The second Cultural Exchange visit from the North Korea TKD Demo Team is now scheduled for visits to Boston, New York, Chicago, and the Tri-State area!  Our very own publisher, Grandmaster Woo Jin Jung together with mover-and-shaker George Vitale have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to make this happen on behalf of the harmony of the greater TaeKwondo community at large.

| It should be no surprise that all diplomatic efforts have been brought to bear in this concerted effort to overcome bureaucratic obstacles in the name of Peace-through- TaeKwondo.  Many group and individual sponsors have risen to the occasion to support this effort and spread the word.  People on all sides of this “table” – from communist to democrat, from International TaeKwondo Federation to World TaeKwonDo Federation – have, once again, sat down together to enlighten the world at large and impress all people with the truth about overcoming obstacles.

| So, visas in hand, we’ll be honored and excited to welcome the North Korea Demo Team on their Goodwill Tour in June.  Precedent was set in 2007 when a similar tour was organized and this 2011 Tour promises to be an exhilarating experience for all attendees.  Historically, early on in the first decade of 2000, the first glimpse of connection through culture began when the New York Philharmonic was invited to North Korea.

| Subsequently, the North Korean TKD Demo Team visited South Korea.  Although to most onlookers, there is enormous tension between North Korea and the rest of the world, perhaps these steps will begin to ease the way to warmer, personal relations.  The integrity, dedication, and hard work of the US State Department has also demonstrated a fine posture in regard to a cultural exchange that has potential for easing tensions.  So readers, our support of and attendance at these performances will strongly emphasize our appreciation of this valiant exercise in Goodwill.  See you there!